
What we do

We see Gillett Square as an exciting and unique public space where an incredibly diverse range of people can meet on common ground. What can happen here is limited only by the imagination and willingness of the people who make up the square’s community. We see this space and the activities within it as equally for all; and believe that inviting and celebrating difference is enriching for everyone.

We commit to creating accessible, fun and engaging activities and events in the square; to expanding our resources to do this proactively where possible, and to enable others to bring activities and events which hold the same values to the space.

We will do this by

  • Involving the square’s community in decisions about the square and how it is used
  • Working with our community to ensure the Pop-up Playground is provided on a regular basis
  • Providing volunteer opportunities to be involved in events and activities
  • Producing a music festival at least once a year
  • Seeking opportunities for different artforms to be performed/displayed
  • Actively seeking fundraising opportunities to support activities and events in the square
  • Maintaining a good link with local authorities regarding activity in the square


HCD firmly believe in the value of cultural activities as a positive agent in developing community cohesion and we have developed the way that we deliver arts programming in Dalston by working with partners. Our programming plays a key role in the socially cohesive regeneration of this rapidly changing area of Dalston, and at the same time works to retain its diversity and showcase its creativity. Gillett Square hosts an exceptionally wide range of programmed and spontaneous activities which take place both day and night, attracting to Dalston all sections of the neighbourhood, visitors from all over the world and a range of new initiatives for public space projects.

You can view our 2016 independent review report here.